Atlas is a 2020 mini aussie male. Atlas stands 15" tall and weighs 20lbs.
Atlas is just a wee little guy with a heart of steel! Atlas may be the smallest of our pack but he sure doesn’t act like it and keeps up well with all the others. Atlas is very social and likes meeting all sorts of new people. Atlas is a sensitive guy and just wants to please.
I can’t wait to see the babies this boy will produce this year! While Atlas fits right in the medium mini range for size, he does carry genetics from a toy line and a standard line so it will be interesting to see what he throws in his babies!
Atlas carries one copy of the MDR1 gene, and is all clear for the rest of the full aussie genetic panel. For more info click in the link below. A full list of drugs that may cause issues with MDR1 positive dogs will be included with the puppy package of all puppies. My suggestion is to avoid these drugs with all herding type dogs regardless of their MDR1 status, but this is a discussion you may want to follow up with your veterinarian on.
OFA testing:
Elbows- Normal
Patellas- Normal
Hips- Good